COVID-19 Update 4/8/2020

DISCLAIMER: This one of many regular updates that ELCMC is providing. This posting exists to make previous updates more easily accessible, so some information provided may now be outdated.

FAQ 4.8.2020

First Responder – EMP Child Care Program


Hello Everyone!


We are so excited to announce the kick off of our First Responder/Essential Medical Staff Child Care Support service!   Throughout the news we are hearing all these outlandish numbers about COVID cases here and around the world, the % of alcohol that has to be in our sanitizer and the level of filter grade needed to be effective in our masks…lets check out a truly AWESOME set of numbers here…


Within 24 hours of kicking off the program…

ELCMC received calls from more than 100 essential services employees!
ELCMC staff have successfully engaged with 86 of those callers personally!

This represents more than 51 local law enforcement and/or medical facilities in Marion County!


We definitely have a NEED for Y-O-U in our community to help support those families who are working diligently to make our community STRONG and HEALTHY! If you are interested in opening your doors again or are a VPK only provider who would like to contract with ELCMC again – please reach out to Scott Stevenson, Quality Initiatives Director at or 352-369-2315 Ext. 238.


We are also in need of teachers – if you have any staff who would like to work – please have them connect with Scott so we can connect them with an open site.


Attached please find the FAQ from yesterdays provider meeting.



Thank you,

Elizabeth Deola

Chief Program Officer

2300 SW 17th Rd

Ocala, FL 34471

Telephone: (352) 369-2315 ext. 234  Fax: (352) 369-2308

Email|Web: |

ELCMC hours of operation are: Monday-Thursday 7:00 AM- 5:00 PM and Friday 7:00 AM – 3:30 PM.

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