COVID-19 Update 4/3/2020

DISCLAIMER: This one of many regular updates that ELCMC is providing. This posting exists to make previous updates more easily accessible, so some information provided may now be outdated.

CoC COVID-19 Full Intake

FAQ 3.31.2020


Agenda Mar 31 2020 (002)

Good Afternoon Everyone!

Wow! What a busy week we’ve all had, and we are still AWESOME! G-O Team! Below find a recap of the most important pieces to keep you informed as we end our week and work towards a positive start to next week! TOGETHER  – WE – WILL – GET – THROUGH – THIS!

  1. School Readiness and VPK attendance is due by midnight TONIGHT!  Please upload Sign In/Out sheets and VPK Long/Short Forms to BlueJean.
    • Attached are the instructions for attendance completion and the FAQ’s
    • For sites that voluntarily closed in March – Our staff entered your temporary closure effective the dates you submitted in writing to us. On your rosters you should see an asterisk (*) in each day for each enrolled student for the days you were closed. If you do see the asterisk, go ahead and enter the absent days for the timeframe you were open for all enrolled children and submit using the attached guidance. If you do not see the asterisk – please contact us right away!
    • Reimbursement dates are NOT changing – March payments will be received on 4/21/2020.


  1. There are financial supports available for families through the United Way of Marion County, Marion County Homeless Council, and Interfaith – contact 2-1-1 and ask for a referral to either to Marion County Homeless Council or Interfaith for the COVID-19 Assistance Fund through the United Way of Marion County.


Assistance for Veterans: Project: VetRelief – submit the attached application to or fax to 407-299-0901.

For more information, call Veteran Case Worker at 407-295-2631 or visit


  1. Governor DeSantis issues a stay-at-home executive order, here is the link: DeSantis Executive Order 2020-91.


  1. Childcare must be carried out in stable groups of 10 or fewer (inclusive of childcare providers for the group).
  2. Children and child care providers shall not change from one group to another.
  3. lf more than one group of children is cared for at one facility, each group shall be in a separate room. Groups shall not mix or interact with each other.
    • What does this mean to you as a Provider?
      • You can remain open to serve the families of essential workers and first responders.
      • You do NOT need to send a notice to the MCSO – this is updated from previous communication. Thank you to all who did send a notice!
      • Follow the CDC Guidelines for child care providers: CDC.Gov – Child Care Guidelines


  1. Plans are currently being finalized with ELC’s and OEL to assist First Responders and Essential Health Care Personnel obtain childcare services so that they can continue to awesome front-line work they are doing to help our community combat this pandemic. More to come on this – We have high need for qualified teachers who have the necessary background screening and credentials to teach in a classroom – if you have decided to close for this timeframe, please consider reaching out to your teaching staff and urge them to contact me (forward this email) and I will connect them with a provider who is in need to teachers in order to continue to serve essential working families.


  1. $$$ Potential Financial Resources: (please research these in detail and see if they are a fit for you)

***NOTE***ELCMC cannot and will not endorse any product, only provide you with information so that you can review it and make an informed decision.


  1. PROVIDER WEBINAR/CONFERENCE CALL: Tuesday, April 7, 2020 @ 1pm – please register here:


  1. We are encouraging all programs who are able to remain open – however, if you feel you need to close, please send me an email with the following information:

Site Name:

Closure Dates:

Anticipated Reopen Date:

Reason for Closure:

Please remember to submit updated closure notices if you plan to extend your current closure dates.

Thank you,

Elizabeth Deola

Chief Program Officer

2300 SW 17th Rd

Ocala, FL 34471

Telephone: (352) 369-2315 ext. 234  Fax: (352) 369-2308

Email|Web: |

ELCMC hours of operation are: Monday-Thursday 7:00 AM- 5:00 PM and Friday 7:00 AM – 3:30 PM.

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