COVID-19 Update 6/27/2020

DISCLAIMER: This is one of many regular updates that ELCMC is providing. This posting exists to make previous updates more easily accessible, so some information provided may now be outdated.

Agenda 6.30.2020

CARES ACT Child Care Section


Hello Everyone,

Summer is here and we are continuing to face each day with new opportunities and learning different ways to shine in this new world we are living in! Recently, Florida has experienced an incredible increase in the number of residents testing positive for the Covid-19 Virus impacting our world. This update is PACKED with resources and information for you!

All About COVID-19:

We have had a few providers contact us asking what they should do if they are made aware that the site may have been exposed to someone with a positive case of COVID-19. Below you will find resources to assist you in making decisions regarding “next steps” after being exposed to a positive case of COVID-19:

  • ChildCare Aware Coronavirus Flowchart: When Should I Close My Child Care Program?
  • CDC Updated Information (as of May 29, 2020): Childcare, Schools, and Youth Programs
  • A few things to consider as you make hard decisions:
    • Is your emergency plan updated to include a plan of action for a pandemic and or other emergency situations such as a hurricane or threat of violence situation (bomb threat, active shooter, violent client) – this should be your go-to guide to help you remain consistent in taking action when necessary. Having a detailed written plan can provide confidence and support to ensure your teachers, children and parents remain calm and make decisions based on action needed and not emotion or fear. Here is a resource to help you in adding language to your current plan to address Covid-19: himama preschool-podcast-covid19-emergency-preparedness
    • When you make a decision, it will set a precedence for the next time a similar situation occurs, try to stay as consistent as possible when addressing similar situations.
    • Communicating with families/caregivers:
      • While keeping confidentiality requirements in mind, ensure you communicate timely and appropriately with your parents/caregivers.
      • Include a written notice with only the needed details of the situation and including the action plan you are taking to respond to the situation. This will allow the families to make informed decisions that best meet their needs and invoke trust and confidence in your proactive response.
      • Social media posts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) are effective to reach large audiences in a short period of time, however, social media posts often spark long-lasting conversation and can spread information across vast audiences with positive, negative and neutral outcomes. Once a message goes viral on-line it is very difficult to retract it. Use caution when using this method.
      • Email is also effective to communicate with a large group simultaneously. When using email, ensure you use the ‘bcc’ or blind carbon copy option when including all parents/caregivers in one communication, this protects all users from exposing personal information. Notice when you receive these emails from me, you can’t see who all received it except ELC staff.
      • To ensure your email communication is received, you may consider a mass calling service such as or to send a voice call or a text message to parents alerting them of an important message.

Face Masks Available at ELCMC: Thanks to a partnership with the amazing Marion County Homeless Council, we have facemasks available for your facility. If you are interested in obtaining a quantity of facemasks, please send an email to and one of our team will make arrangements for you to pick up your masks. Masks are white cloth, washable, one size fits most. Side note – has some great resources and opportunities, check out their website!

  • COOL THING ALERT!à We also have a face mask dye for the dye-cut machine if you wish to make your own. Send an email to or give any of the Quality Team a call to set an appointment up to come use the provider workroom. 352-369-2315, Ext. 231 or 249.

University of Florida Lastinger Center Opportunity: The University of Florida’s Lastinger Center for Learning and College of Education are surveying parents, teachers, and caregivers about their experiences during the COVID-19 closure of education programs. The survey takes less than 10 minutes and your responses are anonymous. Data collected will inform planning and policy efforts at the local, state, and national levels. Please take a moment to click the link below and complete the survey.


Direct Link to Parents/Caregivers Survey:

Direct Link to Early Childhood Educator Survey:

Direct Link to K-12 Educator Survey:

Next Provider Meeting: This Tuesday, June 30, 2020 @ 1pm: Our next Provider Webinar will be held on Tuesday, June 30, 2020 @ 1pm – if you have registered for previous meetings, then you should already be registered for this meeting. The current schedule for webinar meetings is:

Update on the CARES Act:

Two weeks ago we shared info on the CARES Act. Here is a link to the entire 143-page document that details numerous directives impacting our community: FLDOE Reopening Florida’s Schools and the CARES Act.pdf

This PowerPoint has numerous live links that you may find helpful as you navigate through the document.

  • We have attached the Child Care Portion of the act.
  • Funding Initiatives and progress as of 6/27/2020:
    • Teacher Professional Development Stipends– IN PROGRESS ß UPDATE:  We are working on the submitted applications. Trainings must be completed by 6/30/2020 and applications submitted as soon as possible after to receive payment.
    • Kindergarten Transition Program – UPDATE:  ELCMC is working with the Marion County Public Schools on potential options for this program.
    • Financial Supports for VPK/SR and Non VPK/SR Child Care Providers – UPDATE: You’ll want to pay attention to emails and join our Provider Meeting this Tuesday @ 1pm!
    • VPK to Kindergarten Progress Monitoring System – MORE INFO COMING SOON
    • Parent Co-Pays Paid – IN PROGRESS ß ELCMC will continue to pay Parent Co-Pays until July 31, 2020!
    • First Responder/Essential Medical Personnel Enrollments – IN PROGRESS – UPDATE: ELCMC will continue to enroll families into this program until July 31, 2020. More info to come on Tuesday during Provider Meeting.
    • Bonus Payments to Providers serving BG1-Ess Clients –  maximum $12,000 total. – PAYMENTS BEING MADE EACH MONTH FOR ELIGIBLE ENROLLMENTS!

Thank you,

Elizabeth Deola

Chief Program Officer

2300 SW 17th Rd

Ocala, FL 34471

Telephone: (352) 369-2315 ext. 234  Fax: (352) 369-2308

Email|Web: |

ELCMC hours of operation are: Monday-Thursday 7:00 AM- 5:00 PM and Friday 7:00 AM – 3:30 PM.

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