COVID-19 Update 6/13/2020

DISCLAIMER: This is one of many regular updates that ELCMC is providing. This posting exists to make previous updates more easily accessible, so some information provided may now be outdated.

Beckers Classroom Kit 6.2020

CARES ACT Child Care Section

DOE Order No 2020-EO-04 Summer VPK

June Calendar -Virtual Study Buddies 5-12-20

NEW Virtual Study Buddies_FLYER_

Provider Meeting Agenda June 16 2020


Good Afternoon Everyone!

Our team here at ELCMC sends our warmest love and support and thanks to you for continuing to offer PHENOMINAL Child Care Services to the child and families in our community! To show our THANKS and ongoing APPRECIATION for ALL you do, we are sending you an AMAZING Classroom Kit! Details are attached to this email and listed below:


  • All providers contracted with ELCMC (including out-of-county and VPK only) will received over the next week or two a shipment from Becker’s School Supplies
  • Attached is a list of all the items you should receive in your Classroom Kit.
  • The Kit will arrive in 3 boxes.

·       Check all items in, Sign and Date the Packing List, Upload the Signed Packing List to BlueJean as soon as possible.



Last week, very important information was released on Reopening Florida’s Schools and the CARES Act. Here is a link to the entire 143-page document that details numerous directives impacting our community: FLDOE Reopening Florida’s Schools and the CARES Act.pdf

This PowerPoint has numerous live links that you may find helpful as you navigate through the document.

  • Pages to focus on may include: 5-10, 23-28, 79-88, 94-100
  • We have attached the Child Care Portion of the act.
  • Funding Initiatives include:
    • Provider Mini-Grants – IN PROGRESS
    • Teacher Professional Development Stipends– IN PROGRESS
    • Kindergarten Transition Program – MORE INFO COMING SOON
    • Financial Supports for VPK/SR and Non VPK/SR Child Care Providers – MORE INFO COMING SOON
    • VPK to Kindergarten Progress Monitoring System – MORE INFO COMING SOON
    • Parent Co-Pays Paid – IN PROGRESS ß ELCMC will continue to pay Parent Co-Pays until July 31, 2020!
    • First Responder/Essential Medical Personnel Enrollments – IN PROGRESS – ßELCMC has enrolled 566 children into the BG1-ESS program so far!
    • Bonus Payments to Providers serving BG1-Ess Clients –  maximum $12,000 total. – IN PROGRESS


  • Marion County has 257 children who may be eligible to attend the summer VPK Program!
  • The children included in the number above are those who were enrolled in your Fall VPK programs but did not complete their 70% of the VPK program.
  • OEL has released this week that the required number of hours for the Summer VPK Program is a minimum of 200, not 300 as required pre-pandemic.
  • Providers will still receive payment for 300 hours of program.
  • VPK Assessments have been waived for the Summer VPK Program.
  • Classes may begin with less than 4 children attending.
  • All other programmatic requirements must still be met – including teacher requirements.
  • Executive Order #2020-EO-04 is attached.
  • If you are interested in becoming a Summer VPK Provider, please send an email to Scott Stevenson at


  • IMPORTANT à Two Surveys will be released this week in EFS-Mod (Provider Portal):
    • Registration Fees
    • Provider Closure Survey (same thing as last month) ß If you were closed for even 1 day for EITHER VPK or SR, you need to complete this if it is available to you.

  • Our next Provider Webinar will be held on Tuesday, June  16, 2020 @ 1pm – if you have registered for previous meetings, then you should already be registered for this meeting and probably got an email adjusting our schedule.

The current schedule for webinar meetings is:

  • OEL has released a neat new way to obtain Professional Development – See attached opportunities for Virtual Study Buddies!
  • ELCMC will be scheduling Virtual VPK Contract Orientation in July – this is for the 2020-2021 program year.  More info coming!

Thank you,

Elizabeth Deola

Chief Program Officer

2300 SW 17th Rd

Ocala, FL 34471

Telephone: (352) 369-2315 ext. 234  Fax: (352) 369-2308

Email|Web: |

ELCMC hours of operation are: Monday-Thursday 7:00 AM- 5:00 PM and Friday 7:00 AM – 3:30 PM.

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