COVID-19 Update 3/17/2020

DISCLAIMER: This one of many regular updates that ELCMC is providing. This posting exists to make previous updates more easily accessible, so some information provided may now be outdated.

COVID-19 ELCMC Guidance #3 3.17.2020.asd

Employee Directory (Extensions) 3-11-2020

Good Evening Providers –

  • Thank for your continued perseverance through this very difficult time. Please find attached and below the daily update on the COVID-19 Pandemic.

***IMPORTANT UPDATE***: Available NOW:

Florida Small Business Emergency Bridge Loan Program:

Apply here:   

  • If you are planning to close, please respond to this email with the following information:

Site Name:

Closure Dates:

Anticipated Reopening:

  • Additional resources are available in the attachment along with FAQS and the ELCMC Extension List.
  • Please continue to comminicate by responding to this email with your questions or to report any additiuonal information.

Thank you,

Elizabeth Deola

Chief Program Officer

2300 SW 17th Rd

Ocala, FL 34471

Telephone: (352) 369-2315 ext. 234  Fax: (352) 369-2308

Email|Web: |

ELCMC hours of operation are: Monday-Thursday 7:00 AM- 5:00 PM and Friday 7:00 AM – 3:30 PM.

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