DISCLAIMER: This is one of many regular updates that ELCMC is providing. This posting exists to make previous updates more easily accessible, so some information provided may now be outdated.
Good Afternoon Everyone!
Its that time of month again….ATTENDANCE TIME! 😊 Please see below for instructions for completing your School Readiness and VPK attendance for the month of APRIL 2020 as well as detailed information on the Governors plan to begin to reopen our state and a couple of webinar opportunities. Please look for our update FAQ including information about bonus payments and the mini-grants to be released tomorrow afternoon.
· DUE DATE: Tuesday, May 5, 2020 by MIDNIGHT
School Readiness:
- Mark the first 3 absences for each SR child as an ‘A’
- Mark all additional absences beyond the 3 with a ‘A’ – IMPORTANT: absences related to COVID-19 in any way (parent laid off from work, potential exposure, being precautious, etc.) need to have the comment “Absence due to Disaster” under the reason. NOTE: The “A” will convert to a “D” once you view the summary of your attendance before submitting.
- Doctors Notes for absences related to COVID-19 are NOT required.
- Complete this process for ALL ENROLLED School Readiness Children for the month of April 2020
- For School Age Children who are typically attending PART TIME – you will need to manually change each day that they attended to FULL TIME ß Do this ONLY if the child attended.
- If the child transferred to another site, you can only claim them through the last day of attendance.
- Sign in/out sheets should be uploaded as usual to BlueJean – no additional notes needed.
- If your site was closed, there is no need to upload blank sign in/out sheets.
- Mark absences for each day your VPK program was open as you normally would.
- For Long or Short Forms: If you are unable to get the parent signature, write “Child stopped attending on ________________” (enter date) on the form OR write the reason you were unable to get the parent to sign. If your site was not closed, you must make two attempts to contact the parent for signature.
- Upload sign in/out sheets and Long or Short Forms as you typically would to BlueJean.
- If your site was CLOSED – you still must upload the LONBG or SHORT form to BlueJean with your submitted attendance.
- From April 1st until the date you voluntarily closed your site, follow these instructions above for each child enrolled.
Ø DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR ATTENDANCE UNTIL ELCMC STAFF CONTACTS YOU VIA EMAIL! Check your email for an email from jbishop@elc-marion.org before submitting your attendance.
Ø If you do not have an email from Justin (jboshop@elc-marion.org) please send an email to EFSMod@elc-marion.org.
- Governor’s Executive Orders –
Governor’s Executive Orders
Governor DeSantis issued two executive orders yesterday, EO 20-111 and EO 20-112, which work in tandem
to transition us from some of the Governor’s previous executive orders.
Using the Gating Criteria in President Trump and the CDC’s Opening Up America Again Guidelines, in effect these orders are transitioning Florida to Phase One for reopening, with the exception of 3 counties – Broward, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach.
o This Phase One for reopening begins May 4.
o Except that Broward, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach have been deemed to not yet meet the Gating Criteria the Opening Up America Again Guidelines.
Starting May 4, EO 20-112 incorporates EO 20-91 and makes some changes to reopen certain businesses/services:
o On a limited basis, in 64 of 67 counties, EO 20-112 opens up restaurants and food establishments (not bars), in-store retail, museums, libraries and elective medical procedures.
o The Governor went through this very insightful and comprehensive Phase One reopening presentation yesterday, during his press conference.
Materials from this announcement and the Governor’s recent Re-Open Florida Task Force can be found at https://www.flgov.com/COVID-19.
- Webinars Available –
- EarlyEdU Highlight Webinar: Using Interactive Media In Early Learning: https://washington.zoom.us/webinar/register/9415870779743/WN_OJsBlaSfQe6evlPIHhFe-w
NOTE: Many of you are scheduled to reopen tomorrow and Monday, May 4, 2020 – Please respond to this email if you are remaining closed OR if you are open. We report this daily to OEL and DCF. Thank you!
Thank you,
Elizabeth Deola
Chief Program Officer
2300 SW 17th Rd
Ocala, FL 34471
Telephone: (352) 369-2315 ext. 234 Fax: (352) 369-2308
Email|Web: edeola@elc-marion.org | www.elc-marion.org
ELCMC hours of operation are: Monday-Thursday 7:00 AM- 5:00 PM and Friday 7:00 AM – 3:30 PM.