A Born Learning Trail is an interactive early learning trail designed for children to use with the help of an adult. Each rail consists of 10 signs that contain activities designed to promote parent-child interaction with early learning skills such as letter naming, rhyming, using words and identifying numbers, shapes, and colors as well as using imagination, creating and telling stories. The First trail opened in 2012 and many more have been added to this community since that time. Each trail is laid out uniquely and hand painted.
This newest trail will join many others to include:
• Belleview Sports Complex (2012)
• ELCMC Office {2014)
• Marion County Public Library Headquarters {2012)
• Coehadjoe Park (2013)
• Childhood Development Services
• Marion County Public Library- Reddick (2017)
• Marion County Public Library- Belleview
• Marion County Public Library- Forest
• Marion County Public Library- Dunnellon (2018)
• Jim Kirk Park (2018)
• Liberty Community Park (2019)
• Brick City Adventure Park (2020)
We invite you to join us on January 13 where the Early Learning Coalition of Marion County, in partnership with Volunteers of America Florida, will be cutting the ribbon to officially open this trail to the community!
ABOUT SUCCESS BY 6: Success By 6 began in Marion County in 2000 and in 2005 the Early Learning Coalition and United Way of Marion County created a unique partnership with the Success By 6 initiative with a primary mission of ensuring all children in Marion County are ready to succeed by the time they enter school.